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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Small Intestine

A Navigation Guide for Top20Gastrointestinal Small Intestine.com
Celiac & Related Disorders

Celiac Disease in 5 Minutes, iMedicalSchool (5:02)

A very quick overview of the pathophysiology of celiac disease, how to test for it and how to manage the symptoms.

Celiac Disease, CanadaQBank (10:02)

An easy to follow and quick video that discusses what causes celiac disease, the effects it has on the small intestine, the associated symptoms and its diagnosis. It also includes 2 case studies at the end to help synthesize how celiac disease may be tested on exams.

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity, UCTV (1:28:11)

This video is very detailed and widely explores celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. It is great for those who need a more intricate look into what celiac disease is and its cause, the role of gluten, its symptoms and how it is diagnosed and treated.

Whipple Disease, MedScape

A great website with a thorough description of what causes Whipple disease, how patients present with it, its diagnosis, workup, treatment, and management.

Tropical Sprue, MedScape

A great website with a thorough description of what causes Tropical sprue, how patients present with it, its diagnosis, workup, treatment, and management.

What You Need to Know About Lactose Intolerance, allornonelaw (8:15)

This video gives a quick and detailed overview of the pathophysiology of lactose intolerance, the symptoms associated with it, testing that can be done to confirm it and its treatment.

Celiac's DIsease, Whipple's Disease, Tropical Sprue and Abetalipoproteinemia for USMLE, the study spot (7:11)

The major causes of malabsorption are discussed in the video. A mnemonic is shared to help remember the major causes and then each cause is discussed in detail. No video, just audio, until 2:10. Watch video in fullscreen mode so you can see the text more clearly.


Diarrhea and Malabsorption, openmichigan (49:54)

Lecture video on the pathophysiologic causes of diarrhea are discussed with clinical symptoms. Definition, mechanisms, clinical manifestations, labs, and consequences of diarrhea are covered. Diarrhea due to increased bowel movement and inflammatory diarrhea are also discussed. Near the end of the video, a differential diagnosis list of diarrhea is shown, which would be a great list to create notes on after watching the video to see how much you know.

Malabsorption of Nutrients, openmichigan (54:46)

Relationship of malabsorption to diarrhea is first discussed followed by examples of malabsorption, such as chronic pancreatitis, lactase deficiency, celiac sprue, and a differential diagnosis list. Clinical clues to nutrient malabsorption are listed as well as evidence of vitamins and mineral deficiencies. Many images and graphics are used throughout the lecture, which really helps you understand the material presented.